Black & White Spider Awards

I did this shot in the courtyard of our studio during my 366|08 project. I really liked the shot a lot, but have had mixed reviews. Some people weren't that crazy about it...others shared my affinity for it. About a year ago, Dec '08 I believe, I entered it in a photo contest called the Black & White Spider Awards It looked like a prestigious contest with lots of great B & W work and a nice line-up of judges. Well contest season came and went in 2009 and I had forgotten all about this...then I got a google alert last night that my name had come up. It was for an Honorable mention in the abstract category of the Black & White Spider Awards. Well, lo and behold, I won an Honorable Mention in the Professional Abstract category. It's funny because I never got any kind of notification. Crazy...

Presidio Little League Fields

I was out shooting between the storms this afternoon. It was actually really nice. A nice break form the days of rain we've had. As baseball (Little League) is starting up this caught my eye immediately. Actually, my oldest son pointed it out to me this morning on the way to school when the rain was still coming down pretty good. Unfortunately the Presido Fields are right in the San Diego River Basin. It looks like their about 3 feet deep....

Happenstance Show

The Happenstance Show with over 30 San Diego Photographers donating prints to help support The Monarch School raised over $2K last Saturday. Thanks to the guys over at Subtext for putting on the show and to all the great photographers who donated their work!

Max enjoying a Candy Cane and some great art...

Frank doing his thing...