Fort Point

My youngest son and I recently traveled to San Francisco.  On our stroll across the Golden Gate Bridge I discovered this surf spot right under the southern end.  Fort Point is one of the more unusual breaks on the California coast, to say the least.  Here's a bodyboarder braving the frigid water and avoiding the rocks.

Beech-Nut Factory

Over the summer I read an awesome travelogue about a writer, Dana Spiotta, and her friend who canoed a portion of the Erie Canal in order to experience the waterside view and feel of the towns and landscape along the waterway.  Okay, maybe it wasn't a travelogue in the true sense, but this article for the New York Times Magazine sucked me in.  The small towns dotting the Erie Canal are long past their prime.  Commuters and truckers on I-90 race past these long forgotten towns day and night, without much thought.  One of the landmarks that struck me in her article was the recently abandoned Beech-Nut factory in Canajoharie, NY.  I sought out the Erie Canal on a recent trip back east and found myself drawn to this old factory.  I passed it several times during my travels at various times of the day.  Always beautiful, not a soul around, and the distinct hum of I-90 in the background.