Back to the Streets - Little Italy / Downtown

Needed an afternoon pick me up yesterday so took a walk to get a dirty chai. I picked a spot my wife recommended about a mile from the studio so I could log some time on the streets. Bold, graphic elements are what presented. Take some time this Labor Day weekend to explore what’s around you. Immerse yourself, be present. But most of all enjoy the 3 day holiday!

Stickball in Little Italy, San Diego

Ever since I moved my studio to Little Italy I've heard about the Stickball tournament on India Street. And every year it seemed like I missed it.  In fact I couldn't have told you when the tournament actually took place.  All I knew was it was one of those events I wanted to check out.  Well this Memorial Day my son tells me he's playing in a stickball tournament in Little Italy.  "The" stickball tournament in Little Italy I replied?  He didn't know... but he did let me know I should check it out.  Well it turns out this is not "The" tournament, that one is on Labor Day weekend and attracts teams from both San Diego and the East Coast.  It is, however, the same organizers and most of the same guys, but just local teams.  The games and tournament were as cool as I expected - a bunch of guys hitting a racquetball with a broomstick on a city street.  What's not to love.  And it's been a long time since I've seen a guy dive head first on asphalt to score a run! Can't wait til Labor Day!!
